Market development preceding launch of international HQ, after which shareholders saw a 50m euro valuation increase in 6 months.

One of the top technology companies in Central Europe XTPL is miniaturizing connected industry. Six month strategy engagement preceded the opening of a Silicon Valley office and going public on Warsaw Stock Exchange. Discovery work helped bring new insight and a senior network of Execs in important segments, with groups such as Microsoft Hololens, Apple, Tesla, Autodesk and Sony providing feedback on application areas of the core technology. Working at times in parallel to the management team and board, deepened market knowledge and facilitated an Executive workshop to make decisions on direction of the company. After engagement, market cap increase by 50m euro, new office in California opened and won E&Y entrepreneur award for 2018 - full credit to the team, advisors and investors, they are going for it!

XTPL logo_square.jpg


Validate strategic market segments.

APPROACH: Market Development & Product-Market Fit

  • Phase 1 - Defined targets, discovery Qs, collateral, battle cards (1 m)

  • Phase 2 - Roadshows into California and four distinct market segments that included companies like GoogleX, Tesla, Sony, SAP

  • Phase 3 - Worked with management and investors to capture learnings, facilitate decisions on focus and performance metrics


Successful identification of higher potential market segments for the new technology.