Growth 2.0 Accelerator Program

New MarketS have always been Hard to REACH.
THERE is a remote way in 2021.

What value is being left on the table this year?

We help ensure you can rest at night. Global Venture Advisory services are low effort but high value coaching as a service. And the BD services can extend, ‘plugging in’ extra capacity which is 100% focused on using new markets to adapt and drive measurable results.

Rather than using events as the pool of potential outreach, we view them as one input as we sift through the Universe of people in your key markets — across Europe, the US…any city in the world. You access attendees, but far beyond from the comfort of your own home office. 100% focused on relevant decision-makers and new business.

This approach is what got:

  • United Airlines and First Republic Bank as clients for CEO Marcel out of Amsterdam in Natural Language domain

  • Cisco as a global partner for CEO Thorsten from Berlin in IoT for infrastructure

  • 50 new senior relationships for CEO Filip from Wroclaw in Quantum computing & Advanced Manufacturing

Guaranteed 1-1s by ‘sifting through the Universe’ in major markets (focus Europe, US or City you choose) for up to 4 months. 100% focus on outreach into new markets

WHY Join Growth 2.0 Acceleration Program (event deadline March 8)

Use the program to:

  • Engage senior Execs from new markets in structured way. Build relationships and gain feedback from senior leaders in companies from your top market segments.

  • Improve product-market positioning for remote opportunities. Tune your understanding of product fit, market positioning, growth marketing in strategic markets during a COVID-heavy 2021.

  • Address risks of international growth. In cybersecurity, IP and ethics for US, China, India and SE Asia (we will host the EU’s IP China Desk)

  • Develop a roadmap for AI services and automation. Learn how to build an AI-driven enterprise.

This year, for the fourth time, we’ll add our Growth 2.0 Acceleration program for elite entrepreneurs to the International Venture Club. So by doing a growth project now you’ll:

  • Access to senior Executives in Europe’s leading Corporate & VC Club Tech Tour, like transformation leaders from Samsung, Logitech, Philips, Merck, BASF, Johnson & Johnson, Boston Scientific, Dow, Swisscom and 50 independent investors like Almaz Capital, Capricorn, Innovation Capital.

WHAT: Activities (sliding schedule 2021)

  • Next

    • Market Development Advisory Service. Structured weekly & monthly coaching on vision, mission, short and long term plans. Getting in sync with colleagues.

    • Business Development Execution Service. Market feedback and tuning approach via network of thousands of senior Execs in your industry from our network.

    • Product positioning and online audit. Improve brand of your business via recommended actions to take to fix blind spots & incorporate feedback.

    • Growth 2.0 Lab (17 March, 4pm - 90 mins). Attend with repeat founders and peers. Learn tactics, tools and networks related to market development and enterprise AI. Build confidence as a business leader using AI in your solution or as a growth enabler

    • World Tour future21 with International Venture Club & Tech Tour (Future21 Summit from 24 to 26 March; or other events through the year).

      • 500+ industry transformation executives (e.g., Head of Innovation, CVC and M&A). 500+ of the top investors in deep tech for Work, Life and Earth. 250 entrepreneurs from Series A, B and C+ (selected by 500 investors at our programs in 2020) Event networking before and after.

      • Record and share a presentation with links to your media, to be used at events and ongoing growth marketing

      • Meet current and past Growth 2.0 Tech Stack advisors like Autodesk, Kohl’s retail, SAP, and IBM

      • Handover roadmaps, product-market intelligence and warm relationships.

HOW: Effort

  • Your LOE

    • 3 hours of coaching per month

    • 10 to 15+ senior Executive meetings

    • 8 hours for Growth 2.0 Lab & World Tour networking events

  • Our LOE

    • Market development advisory per month

    • Business development execution can scale up and down


  • One to Three of your Execs: Director/CXO or investors. Senior leaders involved with:

    • Managing teams for global market development

    • Evangelising the solution to prospects and investors

    • Overseeing the integration of data-driven technologies into their organisation’s business strategy

  • Functional business heads interested in exploring AI opportunities across functions

  • Veteran and mid-career Executives bolster competencies and networks


  • Solving post COVID Work, Life and Earth-related Challenges

  • Actively acquiring like-clients in new markets

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We have perfected this approach over eight years with 200 companies like Shazam, Adyen, Q-go, Synerise and partners IBM, Salesforce, Microsoft.

Case studies

  • AI Marketing Cloud. Synerise (Krakow) US market development and met Kohl’s (POC proposal)

  • Data Privacy Platform. Privacycheq (San Francisco) Europe market development. Led to first Europe enterprise revenues

  • IoT for Infrastructure. azeti (Berlin, Earlybird) US market acceleration. Led to global partnership with Cisco (partnership) - 12 months

  • Natural Language for Customer Care. Q-go (Amsterdam) GTM acceleration. Lessons learned by closing two Fortune 500 industry leaders (United, BofA)

  • Machine Learning Platform. Algolytics (Warsaw) international market development strategy

  • Advanced Manufacturing. XTPL (Wroclaw) market discovery. Met 25+ senior Executives. Led to opening Silicon Valley office

  • Swiftkey (acq); Eye Tribe (acq); Cordys (acq); Adyen, Blockchain, Shazam and 200 global founders participated in global tours

Past Growth 2.0 Lab partners: Enterprise Estonia, Enterprise Ireland, Startup Delta, Ministry of Economy Netherlands, Cybersecurity Hub Poland, Hungarian Trading House, Czech Invest, World Bank, International Venture Club, Tech Tour, US Chamber of Commerce.

What Is unique

  • Access global network. International Venture Club access. US network developed over last decade focused on industry transformation & scaleup cooperation. Advisors from 100+ alumni from UC Berkeley, Wharton, Harvard, MIT, UCLA, Berlin Institute of Technology.

  • Meetings arranged with Industry leaders and digital Execs relevant to you anywhere. 100% focus on new business and senior relationships. Existing team members are 70% busy with existing work - this adds the equivalent to 3 outward-facing team members.

  • Insight on your positioning via feedback direct from market. Product-market feedback — not just pushing a sku into the market.

  • Access to repeat B2B and AI-active entrepreneurs who successfully went international. Peer network of experienced founders from AI and data services like Swiftkey, Optimizely, Shazam, Adyen & 200 others share knowledge on growing global.