Berkeley, Harvard & MIT Alumni Networks

We bring ties to HBS, MIT Sloan and Haas School of Business. MBA students have served in analyst, VC or industry partners for the 150 companies we have showcased since 2013. Most of them have gone on to careers in VC or corporate development and continue to stay engaged. Faculty have co-chaired our Global Venture GTM forum three years. Alumni are active.

Growth Micro-summits & Podcasts

Our forums held in the US market since 2013 are used for growth relationship building, fundraising and knowledge sharing. Shazam Co-founders and Adyen before their first external funding round. Since then 175 scaleups like Swiftkey, GetApp and Optimizely sharing their insights to international growth. We held gatherings in Amsterdam (Stock Exchange - 2016), Antwerp (Cresco - 2020), Warsaw (The Heart - 2017), Tallinn (Hells Hunt - 2019), San Francisco (2017 to 2018) and Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley. Content is shared with the community and introductions are made to give you an edge.

Cloud & Data Science Leaders

Senior AI/Data Science Executives and Digital leaders from the Europe and the US like Philips, KLM, Autodesk, IBM, Kohl’s, Samsung NEXT, ServiceNow, Charles Schwab and many of the top players in AI are partners, advisors and members. Everyone is busy but recognizes the importance of having a global benchmark view for their business and professional development.

Data Science Partners

We have developed a network of Growth Science partners in AI and data tech from the New Nordics, DACH, Benelux, CEE, Japan and the US to make it easier to do global venturing. Our history comes out of the unified data platform space back in 2000. Since 2008 we have been showcasing European technology across the Atlantic, and since 2013 organized invite-only gatherings (150 people) with top cloud, data-centric scaleups. We’ve held dozens of thought leadership and social gatherings across Europe and the US to help mix startups with industry Executives like Samsung, IBM, GE as well as investors.

We partner with investors — VCs, Family offices & Angel Groups — that want to build relationships between US-Europe and continue the enduring human values that connect us. VCs like Prime (Amsterdam), Earlybird (Berlin) and Giza (Warsaw) asked us to work with portfolio companies to navigate US-European markets. Non-local VCs are increasingly active across Europe, and can provide smart money and competencies. Data-driven investors can enable their portfolio companies to speed up valuation growth for shareholders.

Venture Capitalist Investors

European Union & Ministries

We’ve partnered with Startup Europe Partnership/MTB since their first gathering in 2015. They bring deep understanding of corporate innovation best practices and ability to bridge geographies, culture and business.

Talent Networks

ARR and talent are two lynchpins for growth. We can access engineering talent and a matrix of business roles via our own network or specialized partners in recruiting. In Europe, we partner with NorthStar AI in Estonia, software houses in Poland, and partners in Bulgaria and India to simplify access to talent.